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published 2009 in Germany by weissbooks

“A belletristic gem.” TAZ

“Book Cover of the year.” Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

“Esma Annemon Dil and Ariane Sommer are explorers in the world of privilege and tell unexpected, nuanced stories that stay with you.”  3Sat Kulturzeit

“Foreign Affairs exposes the façade of the global world of power, told from the point of view of intelligent young women who try to  use their assigned roles with very different outcomes.” Süddeutsche Zeitung

“34 short stories explore the battle of the sexes. But: Women are more than mere victims; they turn men into their tools and take what they want. At times, they are defeated by their own power, but that adds an all-too human touch to the narrative.” Schweizer Illustrierte

“These short-stories are not just sensual; they hit a nerve. Offering an unbelievable number of strong opening lines, they drive towards the punchline. No doubt, Foreign Affairs is very good stuff. “ Sat1 TV-literary critic Peter Hetzel

“These are some tough stories – wicked, sad, painful.” Abendzeitung 


“The solo voices of the female protagonists compose a choir telling us about the life of international and urban young women, about new lives that play out as if orbiting the world … Desperately unhappy and cold at times, sexy and witty at others, Sommer and Dil report from the trenches between ecstasy and loneliness, yesterday and tomorrow, fake coolness and hidden sensibilities.” VOGUE


“A modern book about women caught between lust and love for life, vulnerability and forlornness … on a quest for unusual encounters and extreme experiences, yet, more importantly, on a search for themselves.” Berliner Morgenpost


“A wonderful short-story collection.” Bunte



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